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How to Update: Recognoil Cloud Stand-alone

Updating your Standalone Recognoil Cloud deployment

Generally it is only required:

  1. to create an SQL database backup
  2. pick a release, pull and run the new Docker container
  3. restore the SQL database

Run Ubuntu in WSL

(Windows key + type "Ubuntu")

Create an SQL backup using the command:

sudo mysqldump --port 32000 -u reco -p rcld > rcld-backup.sql

Copy the file outside the deployment folder


cp rcld-backup.sql ../

Pick latest release from Docker hub

e.g. version 0.92a3d

docker pull techtestd1/reco_cld_sa:0.92a3d

Copty the file inside the deployment folder


cp rcld-backup.sql rcld/

Restore the database using the command:

mysql --port=32000 -u reco -p rcld < rcld-backup.sql

Restart the PC to start the new version.

Verify the running version (see bottom right corner)

In case of any issues, please contact our support.